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Tech Thursday
Do you have battery compartments where the batteries are too loose or the connection isn't strong? The answer may be in a kitchen drawer.
If the batteries in your device (batteries like AA, A, C, and D) are too loose and don't seem to be making a connection, try using a small piece of aluminum foil to "hold" them in.  Cut a piece of aluminum foil into a 1" x 1" square.  Then, fold it several times.  Place the small piece of aluminum foil on the contacts inside the battery compartment and then carefully insert the battery.  Be careful you don't slide the foil out of place.
You will notice that the battery sits tighter in the compartment and, hopefully, your connection will be stronger.  Don't use this tip on devices like cell phones, tablets, or devices that use the "coin" type batteries or flat batteries since they do not use the same type of battery connections.  For basic batteries, it usually works and could give your device a bit more time to be useful.
Oh, yes... make sure you don't mix a battery's polarity.  + should always be paired with + and - should always be paired with - inside the battery compartment.  Inserting batteries incorrectly could result in overheating which will damage or destroy your device or even result in a fire.
Always use caution when working with batteries or anything that requires an electrical connection.  Always monitor your device and never store devices that use batteries on top of, inside of, or beneath cloth or paper.