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Tip Tuesday
Discuss Cheating with Your Children

Kids often think if “everybody’s doing it,” it must be okay. This kind of peer pressure can lead kids to try alcohol or drugs. What parents may not realize is that it can also lead to academic cheating.

To discourage your children from cheating:
  • Emphasize that not cheating means that they must always do their own work. That means no copying answers from a friend. Remind them also that they should never copy from a book or from the internet and pass it off as their own original effort.

  • Don’t do their work for them. This sends two bad messages. It says that turning in another’s work is sometimes okay. It also says that you don’t think they can do good work on their own.

  • Encourage them to be proud of themselves when they accomplish things on their own. This helps them realize they can succeed - without cheating.
Source: The Parent Institute